Valentino Blue Best Pei - "Neo"

Valentino Blue Best Pei - "Neo"

narozen: 29.05.2010

F: Champion Czech Republic - Nochnoi Dozor iz Kitaiskogo Kvartala ( chocolade )

M: Diabolla Black Best Pei ( black )


born: 29.05.2010

Valentino is Interchampion



12.09.2010 - Club exhibition Exotic klub of Kyjov - Very promissing 1

31.10.2010 - Club exhibition Exotic klub of Kladno - Very promissing 1, BIS puppy

08.01.2011 - National dogs exhibition Olomouc - Very promissing 1

05.02.2011 - International dogs exhibition Brno - Promissing

06.02.2011 - International dogs exhibition Brno - Very promissing 1

19.03.2011 - Club Dog show Exotic Club Vyškov - Excellent 1, expectant Club Champion, Best Junior Male, chosen among the top 8
 young males in the final competition

20.03.2011 -  National Dog Show Nitra, Slovakia - Excellent 1, CAJC

10.04.2011 - National Dog Show Ostrava - Excellent 1, CAJC

24.04.2011 - International dog exhibition České Budějovice - excellent 2

14.05.2011 - International dog exhibition Bratislava - excellent 2

15.05.2011 - International dog exhibition Bratislava - excellent 1, CAJC, BOB

21.05.2011 - National dog exhibition Litoměřice - excellent1, CAJC, BOJ, BOB

22.05.2011 - International dog exhibition Litoměřice - excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ

Junior champion of Czech republic

Junior champion of Shar-Pei club

29.05.2011 - Club Dog Show Exotic klub Vyškov - Excellent 1, class winner, expectant young club champion, BOB

                                                                             Res.BIS Junior, 4th place in the final competition

03.06.2011 - National dog exhibition Senec-Slovakia - excellent 1, CAJC

Junior champion of Slovak Republic

11.06.2011 - Club dog show Shar-Pei  klub Roudná - excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ, BOS

12.06.2011 - Club dog show Shar-Pei klub Roudná - excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ 

26.06.2011 - International dog show Brno - excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ

01.07.2011 - Champion of Shar-pei klubu

Junior chompion of Exotic klub

13.08.2011 - Club dog show Exotic klub Kladno - excellent 1, CAJC, Best junior dog, BOB

20.08.2011 - International dog show Bratislava - excellent 1, CAJC

02.10.2011 - International dog show Komarom- Hungary - excellent 1, CAC, Res. CACIB, Derby Winner

30.10.2011 - Club dog show Exotic klub Kladno - excellent 1, CAC, club winner

05.11.2011 - Club dog show Shar-pei klub - excellent 1, CAC

06.11.2011 - International dog show Praha - excellent 1, CAC, Res. CACIB

19.11.2011 - International dog show Nitra- Slovakia - excellent 2, Res.CAC

20.11.2011 - International dog show Nitra- Slovakia - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB

08.01.2012 - National dog exhibition Brno - excellent 1, CAC, CAC CMKU, National winner

29.01.2012 - International dog show Trenčín - Slovakia - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB

04.02.2012 - International dog show Brno - excellent 2, Res. CAC

05.02.2012 - International dog show Brno - excellent 1, CAC

Champion Czech Republic

18.02.2012 - Victory Show Bratislava - excellent 1, 2x CAC, Victory Junior Winner 2012, Best of King

Champion of Slovak Republic

17.03.2012 - Club dog show Exotic klub Vyškov - Excellent 1, expectant Club Champion

01.04.2012 - International dog show České Budějovice - excellent 1, CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB

07.04.2012 - Club dog show Exotic Club Tuřany - excellent 1, expectant Club Champion, BOB, Best of Exotic club, BIS

Champion of Exotic club

Grandchampion of Shar-pei club

15.04.2012 - National dog show Ostrava - excellent 1, CAC, CAC ČMKU, National winner, BOB

06.05.2012 - National dog show Banská Bystrica - Slovakia - excellent 1, CAC, BOB

09.06.2012 - International dog show Nitra- Slovakia - excellent 1, CAC, Res. CACIB

10.06.2012 - International dog show Nitra- Slovakia - excellent 1, CAC, Res. CACIB

Grandchampion of Slovak Republic

17.06.2012 - Club dog show Shar- Pei club Roudná - excellent 1, CAC, Club winner, BOB

Grandchampion of Czech Republic

24.06.2012 - International dog show Brno - excellent 1, CAC, Res. CACIB

20.07.2012 - National dog show Veľká Ida - Slovakia - excellent 1, CAC, Slovakia Winner 2012

22.07.2012 - International dog show Veľká Ida - Slovakia - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Dog festival winner 2012

11.08.2012 - Club dog show Kladno - excellent 1, CAC, expectant Club champion, BOB

18.08.2012 - International dog show Bratislava- Slovakia - excellent 2, Res. CAC, Res. CACIB

26.08.2012 - International dog show Mladá Boleslav - excellent 1, CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB

22.09.2012 - International dog show Maribor - Slovenia - excellent 1, CAC, Res. CACIB

23.09.2012 - International dog show Pohorje - Slovenia - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

29.09.2012 - Club dog show Shar-pei club Brno - excellent 1, CAC, BOS

30.09.2012 - National dog show Brno - excellent 1, CAC

28.10.2012 - Club dog show Exotic club Středokluky - excellent 1, CAC, expectant Club champion

01.12.2012 - International dog show Nitra - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB


08.06.2013 - Club dog show Shar-pei club, Roudná - excellent 1, CAC

09.06.2013 - Club dog show Shar-Pei club , Roudná  - excellent 1, CAC, club winner